I Dream of Dreams, that speak of You,
the kind of dreams, where Angels come through.
Kissed by Heaven, blessing Earth,
that whisper gently, the new birth.
Starlight, magic, coming True,
in Parallel worlds, meeting, You.
Ancient wisdom, Atlantis, Now,
the promised plan, I did Vow.
Embracing All, Allowing too,
all that happens, anointed, Anew.
All That is, Being Free, our endless Dance,
my Beloved, always, will Be.
I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!!
For MORE information on the Birthing of The New Creation Please go to:
http://www.iamthequeenoflight.com and read the Archives, here are some links to a few of The New Creation Posts:
For More information on the use of Crystals, and Making Crystal Water, etc:
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copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2014.
Tagged: Alchemical Transfiguration, Angels, Atlantis, awakening, Central Sun, Codes Original Blueprint, Divine Love, new birth, Pleiadian Delegate, The Morphogenic Field, The Queen of Light, Transformation, unconditional Love, Victoria Elohim, Victory